Country Music Videos

Archie Bunker’s National Anthem defense is going viral half a century later.

Archie Bunker was certainly an iconic TV character. For years, he starred in “All in the Family” and connected with millions of Americans who resonated with his views on being patriotic.

The show portrayed Bunker as a hardworking American who had served in the military, which is why he couldn’t stand by when someone disrespected the Star-Spangled Banner and everything it represented.

Although some of his comments haven’t aged well considering the recent “woke” movement in America, Bunker’s defense of the national anthem still speaks to millions who continue to prioritize their pride in America. In this scene, Bunker watches TV with his son-in-law, Meathead.

As the national anthem played before a sporting event, Meathead criticized it, claiming it wasn’t a good song because it glorified war. While modern critics of the anthem argue that it’s racist against people of color, Meathead objected to it for its association with the War of 1812 between the young U.S. and Great Britain.

As Meathead voiced his disapproval, Archie Bunker quickly defended the anthem. “That’s a terrible song,” Meathead complains. Bunker, shocked by what he hears, makes sure his son-in-law knows just how wrong he thinks he is.

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